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Prime Minister Hun Manet Leads Meeting on Public Administration Reforms

Phnom Penh, June 12, 2024: Prime Minister Hun Manet presided over a pivotal meeting of the National Committee for Public Administration Reform today. Since its establishment more than eight months ago, the committee has been vigorously advancing a series of reforms aimed at overhauling the public administration sector within Cambodia’s Royal Government during its seventh legislature.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Manet highlighted the crucial role of implementing these key reforms. He emphasized that an efficient, resilient, and robust public administration is fundamental for building a state that is well-governed, transparent, and accountable. Such reforms are essential precursors to achieving the aspirations laid out in the Cambodia Vision 2050 under the Pentagon Strategy - Phase 1. This long-term vision anticipates a dynamic society supported by strong governance and institutional frameworks capable of effectively serving the nation and its people in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

The Prime Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to these reforms, underscoring their importance in ensuring Cambodia's successful advancement towards its strategic developmental goals.

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